Finding your life purpose
Is there something more you're here to do?
Have you ever wondered what it is that you’re here to achieve; that there must be something more to your existence, a greater life purpose?
So many of us spend so much of our lives waking up in the morning, and then going through the day, feeling restless, irritable and discontented. We’re unhappy and we know that something is wrong, we just can’t put our finger on what that is.
Well, chances are that, if you’ve spent the majority of your time recently, or even the majority of your life, committing to other people’s needs, then you may have misplaced your life purpose along the way. But don’t worry, the truth is that it’s not lost, and it’s never too late to change path. The opportunity to find happiness whilst experiencing meaning and fulfillment in your daily life can be a reality; and possibly sooner than you think!
Finding your true life purpose can create whole new levels of happiness and satisfaction for you through:
- Providing a Sense of Direction. It’s like having a compass that guides you through the ups and downs of life. When you have clear purpose, you know what you’re working towards, and every decision you make aligns with that purpose.
- Developing a Sense of Meaning. Mundane tasks become less about “doing things” and more about Taking Action. Even the small things in life start to bring joy and fulfillment as they are now aligned with your true purpose.
- Tapping into your unique talents and strengths. Each one of us has been gifted with specific abilities and skills that are meant to be used for a greater purpose. When you discover your purpose, you can leverage these talents to make a positive impact on the world. You become a force for good, and your life takes on a whole new level of significance.
- Giving You a Sense of Fulfillment. When you’re living in alignment with your purpose, you feel a deep sense of satisfaction and contentment. It’s like finding the missing piece of a puzzle – suddenly, everything falls into place. You no longer feel the need to chase after external validation or material possessions because you’re already living a life that is true to who you are.
- Providing Opportunities for Personal Growth and Self Discovery. As you embark on the journey of discovering your purpose, you learn more about yourself – your values, passions, and desires. This self-awareness allows you to make choices that are in alignment with who you truly are, rather than what society or others expect from you.

I honestly believe that everyone here on earth has a special purpose – it might be to create beauty through art such as writing, photography or woodwork, it might be to teach and help educate people, it might be to act as a warrior for the planet, or an advocate for those less fortunate. There are a million things your life purpose could be.
So, what’s holding you back?
You might have a mortgage to pay, or a family to feed, you might be caring for an infirm relative, your job might require that you work 60+ hours per week. There could be study, grocery shopping, school lunches to prepare, carpets to vacuum or a million things that require your attention before you get to the task of looking after your own needs and investigating some pie-in-the-sky dream of chasing a life purpose. And, I’ve been there. I get that!
But just think about this for a sec…… When the end of your days is drawing near and you still have that restless and discontented feeling in the pit of your stomach, are you going to be okay with that?
Generally the things that hold most of us back from achieving our dreams are fears, limiting beliefs and unaligned values. Many of us fear change, fear losing security in the world we know, fear that we will fail or that we will succeed (there is a certainty in mediocrity, right?), we fear ridicule from our friends, family or co-workers, we worry that we’re good enough, not capable enough, or not worthy. All of these things, and many more, can go through our minds holding us in a state of paralysis; and keeping us constantly on the hamster wheel.

Finding your true life purpose is sometimes not overly difficult. Here’s some ideas on where to start:
- Thinking about things that you loved to do as a child might provide some insight. What sort of games did you play over and over? What kinds of books did you read? What were your favorite sports and activities to engage in?
- If you had all the time and money in the world, what would you do? How would you spend your days? I had a coach in my mid-twenties who asked me this question and the answer I provided has been a passion of mine ever since.
- Are there any activities you engage in where you lose time completely? You’ve started something first thing in the morning and it’s evening-time before you know it? You’ve forgotten to eat, the dogs are nagging for their walk, the children have watched too much TV, and dinner isn’t yet on the table. Yet you haven’t noticed any of this because you’ve been in your happy place all day!
- Daydream about your future. Yup – take some time on the couch to visualize your life exactly how you would like to to be. The sky’s the limit. Dream about anything you would like to be, do or have and this will provide you with some clues as to where your passion lies!
That's all well and good, but......
So you’ve got some idea about what your life purpose could be based on the ideas above but have no clue as to how to go about getting there. Or even starting. Or maybe you’re still not clear on what it is you would love to do. And, in any case, the dogs still need to be walked, and school lunches still need to be made, and work is still there tomorrow morning.
Well, I can help with (almost) all of those things. You’re on your own with the school lunches!
If you’ve previously experienced altered states work, such as hypnosis for example, we can have a chat about the possibility of a Quantum Journey. Through this process, it is highly likely that you’ll find clarity around your life purpose and how to go about taking steps towards achieving that!
If that’s not your cup of tea, we can work together longer term within the coaching relationship to overcome limiting beliefs, discover and re-prioritize values, set goals and plan sustainable strategies that will help you to Remember Who You Are and move you towards living a life where you can be truly happy!
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