If you take the time to look around, (and you don’t even need to put that much effort into it!), you’ll find books, blogs, and shows on “creating abundance” at every turn. Some people have made a fortune promoting this concept whilst the rest of us, having watched the movies, read the books, and attended the seminars, continue languish in mediocrity on a daily basis. Despite the principles espoused in these books etc, we are still living paycheck to paycheck wondering how we’re going to afford to service the car next month, we don’t have the job of our dreams, the intimate relationship we want, and our family still drives us mad! What’s up with that?

If we really want to talk about creating abundance, we’ve got to start by defining what Abundance actually, is. When most people start thinking about abundance they think about bank balance, a big home by the beach, a high paying job, or a bright red Merc in the driveway. Â
But it is so much more than that. Â
To live a life in true abundance, is to be abundant in every way. And being abundant in every way does not mean that you have everything you want – it means you’re grateful for everything you have!
Yeah, I know, that wasn’t what wanted to hear, either, when I started this work twenty-five years ago. But it’s true. When I started to become grateful and appreciative of everything in my life, even the stuff I didn’t like, more started to appear. And, you know, everything in life has a purpose even the stuff that we don’t think we want. That’s the stuff that probably has the highest purpose – to teach you, guide you, or provide opportunities that you wouldn’t have otherwise. Â
It really is that simple – being abundant means being grateful for everything you have and, when you reach this point, more and more will continue to appear!
When life keeps handing you lemons, sometimes it’s just really hard to make lemonade! There’s not enough time in the day, or you simply don’t have the energy or motivation. That’s okay and it’s okay to start small. If you’re really ready to start creating abundance in all areas of your life, there’s a lot you can do. Here’s a few small tips on where to start:
Start to see the good and the beauty in the world. Â
There is so much happening in the world today that makes my heart sing and there is beauty to see all around. I know there’s a lot of crummy stuff too, but if I focus on that, I’m just going to get more crummy stuff. My old mentor used to tell me “Sharon, what you focus on expands”, so, a great place to start is to focus on the beautiful stuff.Â
My best tip as a starting point here is to turn off the news, current affairs shows, and breakfast shows. If you usually have a breakfast show on in the morning, you could replace that with an audiobook. Or find a speaker who really interests you and tune into their blog or YouTube channel. If I’m looking to zone out for a bit, I’ll spend a few minutes watching funny animal clips on You Tube like this bear cub playing with a balloon, or this dog doing lunges with his family! They make me laugh and feel good about the world!
Practice Gratitude.
One of my favorite ways to focus on creating abundance is to practice gratitude. I do this every day and my life just keeps getting better and better. You can divide you life up into eight categories and focus on something you’re grateful for in each category. The categories are Health, Personal Growth, Fun & Recreation, Family & Friends, Romance, Physical Environment, Business & Career, Finances. Honestly, for this one, your practice is your own. Do one or two things from each category every day. Or focus on three categories every day for a week then change over to the remaining categories the week after. Whatever works for you. What’s most important is the focus on all of the categories consistently. This generates a feeling of gratitude in all areas of your life on a regular and ongoing basis. Â
Create a Vision. Â
You can’t get where you want to be if you’re not totally clear on where that is and what it looks like for you. If you want a different job that stimulates you every day, get clear on what that looks like. Write it down – what hours will you be working, how far from home is it, how many people in the office, what does the office look and smell like, what is the monthly salary, what will you spend your time doing, what attributes will your boss possess, will you be working autonomously or as part of a team, what will the organizational culture be like, will there be a social club, will you make friends there etc. You get the point. Take the time to cultivate your vision and spend a few minutes honoring that every day.
Look at your beliefs and values around abundance.
Creating abundance is easy for some people – they have a solid belief system that tells them that the world is an abundant place. They also believe that they deserve abundance and they are worthy of experiencing the best of everything that life has to offer. Not so for all of us, though. I grew up hearing that “Money doesn’t grow on trees”, “Life wasn’t meant to be easy”, and in regards to relationships “All the good ones are taken”. All of these sayings, plus others, created a scarcity mindset for me that lasted into my early thirties. Add these to the limiting beliefs I had around “not being good enough” and “not being worthy”, and, really, it was a recipe for a scarcity mindset that would last a lifetime. Thankfully, I overcame it, and you can too!
If you’ve tried all of the above, and more, in your quest to create abundance and you’re not where you want to be, then there’s still something holding you back. It could be limiting beliefs around scarcity, it could be a values misalignment, it could be fear or uncertainty getting in the way, it could be lack of consistent practice, drive, or motivation. Only you know what’s holding you back. Take some time to reflect on your abundance practices and how they could gain strength. That will provide you with some insight on how you can start to gather momentum in this area of your life. Â
If, after putting all of your current strategies into practice you’re still stuck, it’s definitely time for a deeper look into what’s holding you back? Â
Utilizing a variety of practices and techniques, we can get to the bottom of these blocks and figure out where the issue lies. Finding the cause is the first point is finding the solution. Use the form below to reach out today and start creating abundance in all areas of your life!

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