Quantum Science
What's All This Quantum Stuff, Then?

Okay, we’re going to talk a little bit about Quantum Physics / Quantum Mechanics and how it relates to our everyday lives but I encourage you to keep in mind this quote from the renowned theoretical physicist John Wheeler “If you are not completely confused by quantum mechanics, you do not understand it”.
Anyhow, we’ll do our best! And I’ll try to keep it brief and very basic. For those who would like more info, I’ll include a list of resources and references at the bottom of the page.
Energy And Matter Are The Same?
Most people have heard statements such as “We’re all just made up of energy” and “Everything is a vibration”, right? But what does this really mean?
Well, Quantum Science has found that atoms are made up of nothing more than energy. This energy vibrates in such a way that it creates matter (solid objects). So the seat that you are in sitting in, the desk that you are resting on, the phone you are holding – these things are made up of many tiny “… dust devil–like energy vortices called quarks and photons (that) collectively make up the structure of the atom.” (Bruce Lipton, The Biology of Belief). Quarks and photons vibrate in such a way that they create atoms, and these atoms vibrate in such a way as to create other larger objects. Including desk chairs, and human beings.
This is what we mean when we say – everything is just a vibration!
The implications of this are huge! I mean, imagine if depression and anxiety, or a sore knee, or a bad back were the result of our bodies vibrating in such a way that it was creating these things. And then imagine what could happen if we could find the reason for that vibration, and work to change it so that it was returned to a state of resonance with the rest of the body (and the rest of the universe).
The Many World's Theory
“Every quantum transition taking place in every star, in every galaxy, in every remote corner of the universe is splitting our local world on Earth into myriad copies of itself.”
Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of North Carolina (1960's)
This really is my favorite part of quantum science.
The Many World’s Theory was first proposed by Hugh Everett III at Princeton University in 1957 and it supposes that, for each possible outcome of an action, the world creates another copy of itself.
Basically, many-world’s proposes the idea that at every junction where large everyday stuff interacts with the quantum system, the timeline of history splits and both possibilities happen on different alternate branches.
So, what does this mean in layman’s terms?
Think of a time when you were faced with a big decision in your life – I’m not talking about ordering a latte versus a cappuccino , I’m thinking of something bigger like whether you take a job or not, move interstate, get married, or buy a house. The Many World’s Theory proposes that for every big decision you make, an alternate reality is created where you didn’t make that decision.
Here’s an example: When I was 20 years old, I chose to move from my hometown to Sydney, Australia. It was at that point that a new reality was created for me. One where I stayed in my hometown and continued to live my life there, and another reality where I moved to Sydney, Australia and continued my life there. Up until that point, both of these “Sharon’s” shared the same memories and life experiences, but now there is another version who continued her life back in her hometown and the Sharon you are talking to now is the one that moved to Sydney.
If we take a second to think about this, that means that there are many, many versions of “Sharon” out there living different lives to the one I’m living here and now. And, what if there was a way to connect with these “Sharon’s” for the purposes of learning, healing, growth, and sharing of knowledge.
Quantum Entanglement
This is the element of quantum science that Einstein called “Spooky action at a distance”. In a nutshell, what quantum science has found is that, once electrons have been connected in some way, they maintain that connection forever and can influence each other throughout time and space.
So, for example, say you have two electrons that are quantumly entangled and they are both spinning in a clockwise direction. You can separate these electrons and change the spin of one to anti-clockwise, and the other will automatically change. This will happen at any distance. And there is no time delay between the first one changing and the second one changing – it happens simultaneously.
Spooky, hey?
So, no matter if you subscribe to the “Big Bang” Theory of evolution or if you believe we live in a holographic reality, then that probably means that everything is entangled, right, as everything was once all part of the same matter that created the planet, the universe, and everything in it and on it.
The Observer Effect
Quantum Science has found that, merely by observing an object, we can change the way it behaves. We know this from psychology, don’t we? As soon as someone knows they are being watched, they may change their behavior. A thief may not take what they had intended to take, a person may smile (or frown?) more if they’re being watched in a cafe or a bar, an assault could be prevented – you get the point.
Electrons behave the same way. In fact, according to quantum scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science, the more electrons are observed, the more their behavior changes. And when the behavior of the electron changes as the result of the Observer Effect, it doesn’t just change from now on, it changes historically also. In effect, history is being altered by the act of observation!
But what if we can alter outcomes not just through observation, but through thought / intention as well?

The Power of Intention

I have some friends who, many years ago, lived in an area that was prone to bushfire. One year, terrible fires blew through the area and all residents were subject to mandatory evacuation. Over the course of 24hrs or so while the fires were active, my friends sent healing white light to their home, they meditated, they enlisted the help of others to send positive intentions, and visualized returning to their home which was unharmed. And, guess what? It worked. Even though all surrounding bushland and many other homes had been destroyed, their house remained intact and undamaged.
In her wonderful book, The Intention Experiment, and in all of her work since, Lynne McTaggart definitively shows that “…collective thoughts can change subtle properties of plants, make seeds grow faster, purify water, lower violence in war-torn areas or ghettos, and even heal a patient with severe PTSD.” (McTaggart, 2023).
And in one of the best outcomes of these experiments done by Lynne it was found that, in sending positive intentions to others, the emotional state of the sender also changes for the better. In helping others, we truly do help ourselves.
Have you ever manifested a parking spot at the grocery store? Or your dream job or dream home? Your ideal romantic partner? Or a better relationship with your family? All of these things, and much more, are possible.
A Quantum Journey - Putting It All Together
How does all this relate to a Quantum Journey, I hear you ask? Well, very simply.
During a Quantum Journey, we utilize all of these principles to help you connect with your higher self for the purposes of healing, growth, and transformation.
Each Quantum Journey starts out with a powerful intention because that sets the “tone” for the journey. Once we’re clear on what you want to achieve I can create a personally tailored journey for you that meets your needs. Whether you want to explore physical healing, whether you want to explore past lives, or overcome challenges in this life, there’s a way we can do that. It only depends on how open you are and what you’d like you end result to be!
Fill out the form below and we can discuss how a quantum journey could help you to achieve your truest intentions!

References & Books of Interest
Carroll, M. (2009). Am I Going Mad?: The unsettling phenomena of spiritual evolution. 2nd edition. Kinglake, Victoria. Inner Peace Publishing
Gribbon, J. (2020) The Many-Worlds Theory, Explained, MIT Press, accessed 19th September 2024. Available at: https://thereader.mitpress.mit.edu/the-many-worlds-theory/
Lipton, B. H. (2016). The biology of belief: unleashing the power of consciousness, matter & miracles. 10th anniversary edition. Carlsbad, California, Hay House, Inc.
McTaggart, L. (2008). The Intention Experiment: Use your thoughts to change the world. Harper Collins
McTaggart, L (2023). The Intention Experiment. Accessed 4th September 2024. Available at: https://lynnemctaggart.com/intention-experiments/the-intention-experiment/
Shawn Ryan Clips (2023), What is Quantum Entanglement. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C1e2JedcBM
Smith, P. (2015) Quantum Consciousness: Expanding Your Personal Universe. Warrandyte, Victoria, The Consciousness Collective.
Weizmann Institute Of Science. (1998, February 27). Quantum Theory Demonstrated: Observation Affects Reality. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 2, 2024 from www.sciencedaily.com
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